
Where Can I Register To Vote In Denver

Register to Vote

First time voter?

First time voters can annals online or print and fill out a Voter Registration Grade. Once you've filled out the form, electronic mail it to or send it in the mail service to:

Colorado Section of State
Elections Division
1700 Broadway, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80290

In the Country of Colorado, voters can register in person, online, or by press a voter registration form, filling it out, and mailing it to your local elections office. You can register any solar day leading up to the election and can register in person on election twenty-four hour period. If you want to receive a mail-in ballot, your awarding must be received past the designated ballot official by the shut of concern on the 7th day before the ballot. Please keep in heed that if y'all would like to receive the ballot by mail service, 7 days may not be a sufficient corporeality of fourth dimension to receive, vote, and return your ballot.

The following offices are designated as voter registration locations in Denver:

  • Denver Elections Division, 200 W. 14th Ave., Denver
  • Colorado Motor Vehicle Sectionalisation offices
  • Denver Department of Motor Vehicles offices
  • Denver Department of Human Services offices
  • Military recruitment offices
  • Any role providing state-funded services to persons with disabilities

Voted before?

Make sure to double bank check your registration and that all of your information is updated and correct, including your mailing address. If y'all've moved since the last time you voted or changed your name, you lot can update your information by filling out this form or by editing your registration online.

Have Questions About the Election?  Explore the Resources Nearly Problems on the Ballot:

  • Election Information, The League of Women Voters
  • Statewide Voter Guide, Coloado Public Radio
  • Ballot Guide, The Bell Policy Center
  • Denver Voter Guide, The Denverite

Notation : data and links for the 2022 Ballot flavor will be forthcoming before long.

Oft Asked Questions

Making a Voting Program

Whether you lot're a outset time voter or a seasoned voter it'southward important to make a voting plan to ensure your ballot is received on time and counted.

  1. Register to vote or confirm your registration
  2. Rail your ballot
  3. Learn about the candidates and issues on your ballot
  4. Locate your nearest polling place or election drib off location
  5. Arrange transportation
  6. Double check yous have everything you need
  7.  Vote!
  8.  (And make certain to sign your ballot envelope)

Colorado Election Dates

June 28, 2022

Colorado Primary Elections

September twenty, 2022

National Voter Registration Twenty-four hours

Oct iii-7, 2022

National Voter Education Week

November 7, 2022

Election Heroes Mean solar day (celebrating election workers)

November 8, 2022

Election DAY!

Where Can I Register To Vote In Denver,


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